COVID-19 Outreach

Town of Brighton Community Check in During COVID-19 Neighborhood Volunteer Guide

April 11, 2020


Tips for Safe Neighbor Interactions

1.     Create a schedule and plan that works for you and your neighbor

a.     Maintain a safe distance while communicating

                                               i.     Call your neighbor as opposed to visiting in person

                                              ii.     If you do have to visit in person, practice social distance of at least 6 feet and do not enter your neighbor’s home.

b.     Create a plan and schedule

                                               i.     What does your neighbor need help with and how often?

c.      Create a comfortable relationship where they know they can call you when they need help

                                               i.     If they are sick, encourage them to follow the CDC guidelines by contacting their medical provider.


Volunteers Grocery Shopping Safety Tips

1.     Only go if you are well

a.     If you are sick, you could get others sick and spread the virus.

2.     Call your neighbor or maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet to create the list of items that they need from the store.

3.     Take steps to protect yourself while shopping and away from your home:

a.     Avoid close contact

                                               i.     Put distance between yourself and other people, experts recommend 6 feet

                                              ii.     Wear a mask or scarf and gloves, if they are available for you

b.     Clean and disinfect at the store

                                               i.     Disinfect anything you touch, the carts, baskets, door handles

                                              ii.     Carry hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol with you

                                            iii.     Always avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

4.     Take steps to protect your neighbor:

a.     Leave the groceries and receipt on their stoop or at an agreed upon location near their home

                                               i.     Be sure to maintain social distance of at least 6 feet

                                              ii.     As much as you may want to go in and say hello, do not

b.     Clean and disinfect

                                               i.     Encourage them to disinfect each item before putting it away

                                              ii.     Encourage them to wash their hands as soon as they are done with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

5.     Wash your hands for 20 seconds once you are able

6.     Use the application Venmo to receive either your reimbursement or money prior to your shopping trip. The use of Venmo reduces the exchange of cash between individuals and therefore decrease additional germs being spread.


                                               i.     If you are unable to use Venmo, please have your neighbor leave the required money at an agreed to time and discrete location outside of their home.




1.     At the moment you are aware that you will no longer be able to volunteer, please contact the following individuals to find a replacement for you:

a.     Kirsten Eliassen

                                               i.     623-225-8251

                                              ii.     kirsteneliassen [at]

b.     Laynee Jones

                                               i.     801-231-1160

                                              ii.     layneejones [at]



Additional Resources: [ to be attached once we print to PDF]



3.     The Presidents Guidelines for America – 30 Days to Slow the Spread (CDC)

4.     How to Protect Yourself and Others (CDC)

5.     What You Can do if You are at Higher Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 (CDC)Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home (CDC)

6.     Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health (SAMHSA)

7.     Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (SAMHSA)

8.     The Governor’s Coronavirus Directive to the State of Utah (updated 4/10/2020)

9.     New Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Utah’s Public Health Departments)

10. Reduce Your Risk of Coronavirus (Utah’s Public Health Departments)

11. COVID-19 Testing Criteria and Process Overview (Utah Department of Health)

12. Social Distancing What You Can Do (Utah Association of Local Health Departments)

13. What is Self-isolation? (Utah Association of Local Health Departments)

14. What is Quarantine? (Utah Association of Local Health Departments)